Harryville23, 61

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Ballymena District, United Kingdom

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Seeking both friendship and possible something special with the right female
About Me
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Height 6'00"
Hobbies & Interests baking, bible study, board games, computers, cooking & recipes, cosplay, coupon clipping, dancing, fishing, fleamarkets, gardening, horseback riding, internet, manga, mime, movies, music, naturism, nudism, painting, photography, reading, shopping, travel
Body Type bodybuilder, fit, large
Movies action, animation, black & white films, comedy, drama, horror, indie, murder mysteries, romance, romantic comedy, sci-fi
Orientation straight
Eye Color brown
Hair Color bald
Ethnicity Caucasian
Relationship single, widowed
Have Kids no - maybe with the right person, no - open to adoption
Education Level college grad, Doctorate, Master's Degree
Profession Education / Academic Research, Entertainment / Media, Journalist / Writer, Other, Technical / Science / Engineering
Income level that's private
Do you smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do you drink? no
I currently live alone, family and friends visit often
Socially, I am better in small groups, home body, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Food Related Candiholic, Candy is a Food Group, Right?, Chinese, Chocoholic, Eat Out Frequently, Fast Food, Indian, Japanese, Organic, Raw, Soul Food, Sushi, Thai
Personality artistic, extrovert, flirt, fun loving, intellectual, loner, lover, professional, romantic, tree hugger
Individuality beard
Religious Views Catholic, Christian
I'm looking for conversation, dating, fun, miss right now, penpal, relationship, romance, something interesting, soulmate, the yin to my yang
My Sign cancer : june 21-july 22
Military Service marines
Pets Cats, Horses
Gender Male
Music Dance, Folk, Funk, Gospel, House, Indie, Jazz, Karaoke, Motown, Opera, Pop, Post Rock, Progressive Rock, Punk, Reggae, Relaxation and Meditation, Soul, Techno, Trance, World, Bluegrass, Celtic, Choir, Christian Rock, Classical, Country
Fitness & Sports bodybuilding, cycling, dancing, diving, hiking, rowing, rugby, scuba, snorkeling, swimming, tai chi, walking, weightlifting, working out, wrestling
Looking for
Hobbies & Interests baking, bible study, board games, computers, cooking & recipes, cosplay, coupon clipping, dancing, fishing, fleamarkets, gardening, horseback riding, internet, magic, manga, mime, movies, music, naturism, nudism, painting, photography, pole dancing, reading, shopping, travel, wine tasting, writing
Movies action, animation, black & white films, classics, comedy, drama, horror, murder mysteries, psychological thrillers, romance, romantic comedy, sci-fi
Orientation asexual, straight
Eye Color brown
Hair Color auburn, black, blond, dark brown, depends on the day of the week
Their Ethnicity Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic / Latino, Indian, Inter-racial, Middle Eastern, Mixed Race, Native American, Pacific Islander, Vulcan
Have Kids no - maybe with the right person, yes - single parent home
Their Education Level ain't had no skoolin, Bachelor's Degree, college grad, currently in college, Doctorate, graduate school, high school grad, Master's Degree, post-Graduate, some college, some high school
Profession Internet
Income level that's private, $100,000+
Do they smoke? no - will not date a smoker
Do they drink? no, teetotaller, wine
They currently live alone, family and friends visit often, in a van down by the river, on a pirate ship, with kids, with parents, with pets
Socially, they are better in small groups, home body, loner, shy at first, but warm up quickly
Food Related Candiholic, Candy is a Food Group, Right?, Carnivore, Chinese, Chocoholic, Comfort, Eat Out Frequently, Fast Food, Fine Dining, French, Gluten-free Diet, Indian, Japanese, Organic, Raw, Soul Food, Sushi, Thai, Vegan, Vegetarian
Personality activist, artistic, conservative, dominatrix, extrovert, fun loving, geek, intellectual, lover, nerd, professional, romantic, tree hugger, type a
Individuality artist, beard, cougar lover, designer, goatee, pirate at heart, superhero, superhero sidekick, vampire, werewolf
Religious Views Catholic, Christian
Miscellaneous deaf, hard of hearing
They are looking for conversation, dating, friends - with benefits, miss right, miss right now, penpal, relationship, romance, something REALLY hot, soulmate, the yin to my yang, travel companion
Their Sign aquarius : jan. 20-feb. 18, aries : march 21-april 19, cancer : june 21-july 22, capricorn : dec. 22-jan. 19, gemini : may 21-june 20, i was born in june, leo : july 23-aug. 22, libra : sept. 23-oct. 22, pisces : feb. 19-march 20, sagittarius : nov. 22-dec. 21, scorpio : oct. 23-nov. 21, taurus : april 20-may 20, virgo : aug. 23-sept. 22
Military Service marines, reserves
Pets Birds, Cats, Dogs, Horses
Gender Female
Music Alternative Rock, Bluegrass, Celtic, Chamber, Choir, Christian Rock, Classical, Country, Dance, Death Metal, Folk, Funk, Gospel, Hard Rock, Hardcore, Heavy Metal, Hip Hop, House, Indie, Jazz, Jazz-Fusion, Karaoke, Metal, Motown, Opera, Pop, Post Rock, Progressive Rock, R and B, Rap, Reggae, Relaxation and Meditation, Rock, Soul, Techno, Trance, World
Fitness & Sports basketball, bodybuilding, bowling, cycling, dancing, diving, football (International), golf, gymnastics, handball, hiking, hockey, jogging, martial arts, rock climbing, rowing, rugby, running, scuba, skiing, snorkeling, snowboarding, swimming, tai chi, tennis, volleyball, walking, weightlifting, working out, yoga, aerobics, ballet
Health Related diabetic, meditation, naturopathy

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